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Team - Customer Care & Translators

Team Customer Care en Vertalers 1
Team Customer Care en Vertalers 2

Over the phone, via e-mail, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp or chat: we offer different ways of contacting us with all of your questions. Most questions we get concern the sizing of our collection and the tracking status of a parcel, but we also receive regular requests for styling advice. We like to brainstorm with our customers and are happy to help them find the perfect item or right size. Those are the kind of things that we pay a lot of attention to! We also want to make sure that the information on our website, for example our ‘frequently asked questions’, is clear and simple, to make finding the answer to your question as quick and easy as possible! Our in-house translators make sure that all the information is conveyed correctly, both the content and the tone of voice. We want you to feel like you’re interacting with a good friend: that informal way of communicating is important to us!


‘’We want the customer to hang up the phone feeling good about the conversation she just had with us. We don't just solve problems, we also like to surprise our customers with small gifts. We like pampering a customer, even more so if she hasn’t asked for it. We will do everything we can to make you happy!’’   

Social Chatter

 ‘’I notice on social media that there are women out there who are true fans: they like getting our help and advice. And I enjoy that in my job I have the opportunity to really get to know those people. That personal touch will always remain, even though the company has grown considerably. I do have some extraordinary interactions via our chat and social media. Beautiful and even touching stories. For example the story of a woman who is seriously ill, but still finds comfort in our clothes.” 

Customer Care Sweetheart

 ‘’I like the fact that our clothes help women feel confident on those special occasions, for example at a wedding. We are here for it! When a customer contacts us, we want her to feel like she’s talking to a friend. I’ve noticed that they really appreciate that and like coming back to us. One of our customers even made a scrapbook for us featuring all kinds of retro outfits from our collection, so awesome! You immediately notice that special and personal bond.” 

Customer Care Sweetheart

 ‘’Every week we receive phone calls from customers asking for styling advice. The other day I spent half an hour talking to a customer on the phone. Due to an operation, there are certain items she can’t wear anymore and I helped her find a suitable outfit. I really took the time to help her and she was really happy about that!  Afterwards we often get a lovely review or a personal thank you from the customers we’ve helped. We make a lot of women happy with our collection and our service and that really is a lot of fun!’’ 

Lovely Linguistics

 ‘’I have developed a signature writing style in French. You can’t just use a machine translation for our texts: I really want to make everything as personal as possible. I think of the person reading my texts as a friend and that’s the feeling I want to convey in French. We want to make women happy and boost their self-confidence, because we sometimes are way too hard on ourselves. That’s such a shame! I’m actually happy that I’m a little curvier these days and those curves look even better in our clothing.’’     

Lovely Linguistics

‘’In our translations, for example when describing the items on our website, we focus on a message of body positivity. A subject that is also very important to me! Enhance your best features, but don’t feel like you need to change yourself. You are beautiful the way you are! That’s the message we want to convey in our communications and in our advice to our customers. Of course, the way we do this and the wording we use can be different depending on the specific language. So conveying that message really is an integral part of our daily job.’’ 

Customer Care Sweetheart

 ‘’I sometimes speak to customers on the phone that have difficulties finding clothes that they like because they are curvy. Because on the catwalk and in magazines, a UK size 6 (EU size 34/ US size 2) is still the norm. We are trying to counteract this concept of the ‘perfect body’ by showing you a much wider spectrum of possibilities. This helps women to pluck up the courage and order from us. If you feel good, you will look good. It sounds very cliché, but that doesn’t make it less true!‘’ 

Customer Care Sweetheart

 ‘’We are very amicable and accessible to our customers. For example, if we get a customer e-mail with a touching story, we often follow it up with a handwritten card and some type of goodie to help lift their spirits. And a little while ago I helped a woman who had had gastric bypass surgery and felt very insecure about her body. I was able to give her some good advice and she called me again later just to thank me. She was so happy with her new dresses!’’ 

In which item or outfit do you feel most empowered

’’In a pretty swing dress! Because a swing dress accentuates my best features. In the past I would have been reluctant to wear a dress like that, but since working at TopVintage I’ve learned how to dress for my body type while also choosing clothes that match my personal style. The most important thing is that you feel good in what you wear!”

Customer Care Sweetheart

‘’I really enjoy wearing a stylish jumpsuit or maxi dress. Especially because the different styling options make these items so versatile. I can pair a maxi dress with edgy boots for an office-appropriate look and then change it up with elegant heels for a fabulous party outfit!’’ 


“Dressed in jeans, especially on a good hair day! I’m not a typical ‘girlie girl’ and don’t wear skirts or dresses, I prefer casual outfits. Even though I do love skirts and dresses on other people. I don’t really care what is or isn’t considered fashionable: the main thing for me is that I feel good in the clothes that I wear.’’ 

Social Chatter

‘’When I wear a little black dress with pretty heels and red lipstick for a special occasion! But great-fitting jeans also make me happy. It all depends on my mood and what makes me feel good at a given time.’’  

Customer Care Sweetheart

‘’I feel most powerful in a Rock-a-Booty pencil dress. The pencil style is super feminine while the denim fabric adds an edgy touch: a fabulous combo! I already have several Rock-a-Booty items in my closet. The collections have a perfect fit. I’m a big fan! And the latest collection also features a true gem that makes me feel super empowered: I have a total crush on the Audrey jumpsuit!’’ 

Lovely Linguistics

‘’I feel most empowered when wearing a swing dress and high heels. I didn’t really have any dresses in my closet before I started working at TopVintage. But working here has totally changed that and now I wear dresses most of the time. Especially swing or semi-swing dresses because they highlight my best features, making me feel confident and comfortable.”

Lovely Linguistics

''Tight, figure-hugging dresses by Glamour Bunny and Vintage Diva! I never used to wear them until I started working at TopVintage. I used to be quite insecure about my body and hid my body behind my clothes. But now I wear lots of dresses and generally choose a more feminine style. Before I didn’t even know that this would look good on me, so that has been a real eye-opener.’’ 

Customer Care Sweetheart

‘’That really depends on my mood and the weather! I love wearing dresses, especially pencil style and A-line dresses. That’s when I feel most empowered. Especially when paired with a pair of pretty heels.‘’ 

Customer Care Sweetheart